Support Slavutynka


HISTORY.  Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum SLAVUTYNKA (Ukraine) is a promising modern institution that provides quality educational services.

A 122-year-old Lyceum SLAVUTYNKA has a special history and unique architecture.

During its existence, the educational institution has experienced a lot of historical events, there were times of prosperity, decline and stagnation in its history, but it never betrayed educational goals and remained a beacon of cultural development of our city. And the name of the first headmaster Stepanyda Slavutynska is immortalized in the name of the lyceum, because the present must always remember the past… 


We were able to create an interesting educational space. However, our government is limited in its ability to provide this space with modern electronic means. We lack modern computers, up-to-date software, we dream of a 3D printer and a 3D scanner, materials for robotics. All this will provide an opportunity to create a cognitive and unforgettable lesson, to educate those who will revive our country.


 It happened that lyceum students (since 1901) never had a gym, only an old football pitch. For many years, the management of the institution has been looking for opportunities to begin construction of a sport complex with a swimming pool and gym, which will be able to engage not only SLAVUTYNKA students, but also students from other schools of the city. The national sport competitions were planned to host there. We managed to start and build the ground floor, construct the shape of the swimming pool. But… For the reasons known to all (Russian invasion into Ukraine) the construction is currently suspended and is likely to be frozen for a long time, if not forever. First of all our country has to rebuild and renovate nearly 800 schools and thousands of housing for Ukrainians, which were severely destroyed by Russians. Therefore, the dream of students to get a modern sport complex for Physical Education and swimming lessons has immediately disappeared.






On February 24, 2022, when Ukraine was shocked by the terrible news of a large-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, SLAVUTYNKA kindly opened the door for Ukrainian families and for anyone in need, forced to flee their hometowns, for those who lost everything. 

Today we accepted children from the occupied territories – Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Odesa.  And our students are still having distance education.

Students Hosted at Our School. Currently we are taking care of 58 students ages 15 to 16 from Odesa and Chernihiv. Before the war they attended Odesa Marine Preparatory School in Odesa, Ukraine.

Services Provided for Students. We treat refugee students as our dear guests and strive to provide the best environment and learning opportunities while they stay with us.

  • Safe housing in our dorm rooms;
  • Healthy meals;
  • Classes in math, science and arts that closely match their regular curriculum;
  • Internet and phone facilities so that students can stay in touch with their loved ones;
  • Opportunity to explore our historic city with visits to the parts, museums and architectural landmarks of Kamianets Podilskyi and nearby historic cities.

Allocation of Donated Funds. We will spend 100% of the donated fund on the following urgent need:

  • Groceries for our students;
  • Personal hygiene products;
  • Clothing that our students may need;
  • Educational supplies;
  • Utility expenses such as electricity, water and heating;
  • Service personal such as cooks, plumbing services and other maintenance costs;

We will publish a report on how the money was spent on our website and facebook page.

The pain of every Ukrainian, whom SLAVUTYNKA gladly accepts and protects, is its pain as well. With the warmth, care and mercy, lyceum SLAVUTYNKA is ready to help, support and protect everyone. We believe in VICTORY!

SLAVUTYNKA is a unique lyceum, which aims to create a worthy future of strong and invincible Ukraine with the help of its educational activities.

If you believe in Ukraine and want to help us survive, we will kindly accept any donation.

You can always see our daily life on the Facebook page – 

Bank details for help:

UA513154050000026007052328787 USD

UA118201720314291004301053460 UAH